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Soldiers assigned to the Crisis Response Battalion (CRB) specialize in land-based operations. As the FSG’s largest operational unit, with a maximum capacity of 750 Soldiers, the CRB flexes statewide rapid response capabilities.

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Key capability areas include:

mobile and fixed point of distribution operations

Distributing resources and humanitarian aid to communities in need.

route clearance

Removing obstructions and improving accessibility to major roadways, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure in the aftermath of a disaster.

distributed logistics

Delivering supplies, equipment, services, and additional resources to support emergency response operations.

search and rescue

Searching for and rescuing individuals who are in distress or imminent danger.

medical support

Rendering basic lifesaving and sustaining first-aid to survivors of public safety events.


Hurricane Idalia, Operation Lone Star, and Operation Vigilant Sentry

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